Simple Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes

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A most common problem among present youth. The continuous peeping into a phone might also be one of the reasons for dark circles. They make your clear skin look tiresome and dreary. Its a misery for everyone who has these not very friendly dark circles.

You can happily kick them out of your face by using quick fixes right at your home.

But first..why do we get dark circles?

  • The first main cause is lack of sleep. ( Includes staying up all night binge-watching )
  • Stress
  • Heredity
  • Allergies
  • Scratching your eyes
  • Pigmentation irregularity
  • allergic rhinitis
  • Dermatitis (contact or atopic)

Home Remedies have always been your shoulder to cry upon when the trendy & expensive product that you bought has failed you. Here are some fixes you can look into to make those unamazing dark circles to go away. However, you might want to see a doctor if the dark circles are occurring due to heredity or allergies.


It’s all in the food. If you have to seem healthy from outside you need to eat healthy food for all nutrients and proteins. Water and food play a vital role in maintaining health.

Foods that help you reduce dark circles :

  • Drink 8 to 9 glasses of water

  • Eat green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts. These all are high in Vitamin K which helps in good blood circulation and avoid dark circles.
  • Cucumber and watermelon have high water content which helps to keep us hydrated.
  • Tomatoes and berries both are rich in Vitamin c which promotes blood circulation.
  • Almond oil, Almond milk and almonds are rich in Vitamin K & E. A good source for reducing dark circles.

Eye Rubs

  • Take a little amount of almond oil and gently massage it over the dark circles and leave it overnight for better results
  • Rub cold milk with a cotton pad over your dark circles, wash it after 15minutes. (milk contains lactic acids which improve the firmness of the skin)
  • Dip a cotton ball in a potato juice and aloe vera gel and apply it on dark circles for 15 minutes.
  • Apply rose water with a cotton ball on eyes.
  • Put cucumber slices in eyes and wait for a little while. It will lighten dark circles and puffiness around eyes
  • Cold tea bags and crushed mint leaves works effectively for reducing dark circles.

All these natural products soothe tired eyes and help reduce dark circles. For the fastest results follow the remedies daily for 2 to 3 weeks.

Apart from these straining your eyes by staring at phones and computers cause blood vessels around your eyes strain and hence dark circles. So avoid using mobiles for a long time.

Dehydration is a common cause for dark circles. Drink a lot of water to be hydrated

Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to look pale and make your dark circles look obvious. Get 7-8 hours of sleep for avoiding restlessness.

Follow all these tips and remove dark circles at home overnight.


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